Benefits of Chiropractic Care for You & Your Animals

Non-Invasive Healing Method

Non-invasive chiropractic care involves effective treatment methods that increase range of motion and relieves pain. These methods take place on an outpatient basis and typically visit the chiropractor over multiple sessions to receive treatment. As the condition improves, treatments will decrease until patient is discharged. 

The chiropractor uses his or her hands to distract, shift, or stimulate more movement into a joint when it’s inhibited and lacks normal range of motion. It is meant to loosen tight muscles and joints.

Better Sleep and Increased Energy

Not only can a chiropractor diagnose and treat spinal problems to relieve discomfort, but he or she can also offer suggestions for getting better sleep. Your chiropractor may tell you which particular sleep position is best for you (most chiropractors discourage snoozing on your stomach) and whether a chiropractic pilliow or a more supportive mattress might be the key to ending your restless nights.

Improved Balance and Coordination

The alignment of the neck, spine, and pelvis can affect balance and coordination. Chiropractic adjustments keep neck, spine, and pelvis in alignment to help the body achieve optimal balance and coordination.

Pain Reduction

Chiropractic is a system of therapy focused on the structure of the body, particularly the spine. Chiropractors manipulate the body's alignment to relieve pain and improve function and to help the body heal itself.

Lower Risk For Surgey Or Hospital Visits

Chiropractic is primarily used as a pain relief alternative for muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue, such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is sometimes used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.

Prevention Through Education, Not Medication

Chiropractors seek to bring a holistic worldview to the doctor–patient encounter, seeking not only to relieve pain and restore neuromusculoskeletal function but also to support the inherent self-healing and self-regulating powers of the body. Aside from applying their diagnostic training to the evaluation of a variety of physical disorders and delivering manual adjustments and related therapeutic interventions, many chiropractors encourage patients to take an active role in restoring and maintaining health, with particular emphasis on doctor-guided self-care through exercise and nutrition.