Small Animal Chiropractic Care

Additional Information

Dog and cat chiropractic care is a holistic, all natural approach to treating a number of joint, muscular and skeletal problems that are common in cats, dogs, and certain breeds. The principles and practices behind veterinary chiropractic are nearly identical to those used with humans. 

The most common way both human and animal chiropractors treat subluxations (misalignment of the vertebrae) and other problems is through chiropractic adjustment, which involves low force manual manipulation of the spinal column, joints or other affected areas. These adjustments help improve mobility and function and alleviate physical stress, strain and pain by removing the source of the symptom and letting the body heal itself.

Signs and Symptoms

If you notice any of these signs in your pup, it could mean that he suffers from a condition that chiropractic treatment could help. Of course, you should consult with your vet first and foremost if you’re concerned about any of your dog’s symptoms.

  • Having trouble climbing stairs
  • Walking with a limp or dragging his back legs
  • Weak front legs with no specific site of pain
  • Trouble standing or lying down
  • Reluctancy to move or decreased mobility
  • Inability to jump
  • Sitting or standing in an abnormal position and tilted to the side
  • Abnormal gait and a shorter stride
  • Hunched back
  • Yelping when you pick him up around the chest area or general sensitivity to touch
  • Post-surgery recovery

The following are some of the more common conditions dog/cat chiropractors treat.

  • Subluxations
  • Repetitive use injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Osteoarthritis relief
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Forelimb lameness
  • Stiffness

Dog Adjustments

Check out this great video to learn more about a typical canine adjustment!

Cat Adjustments

Check out this great video to see a chiropractic adjustment preformed on a cat!